Thank you from Caitlynn Butcher
Thank you from Caitlynn Butcher
I must lead with an apology that I didn’t get a picture from our latest pinning. But I can share this. Patient is an Army veteran living in Hampton. When we showed him his quilt he became tearful and asked us to fold it at the foot of his bed so it would be the first thing his wife saw when she came home from work. He was very emotional singing the national anthem and exclaimed, “I am proud of that flag! I am proud of it! And look at its colors!” And he pointed to his quilt.
It was really moving. I did not get a picture (even with staff, since we arrived at slightly different times) but I hope you can share this story with your quilting group. It was so touching.
Caitlynn Butcher
Volunteer Coordinator/Spiritual Care Coordinator
Heartland Hospice Serving the Peninsula