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Ezekiel's Crown, Instructor – Debby Kratovil

Debby Kratovil began quilting in 1985 after seeing quilts in newsstand magazines! She brought her background as a high school math and English teacher to the table sewing squares and triangles to create table runners and wall quilts. Never following patterns but gaining only inspiration from them! Debby has published hundreds of articles on quilting, and easy quilting techniques. Join Debby to let her share with you how to discover the easy fun way of paper piecing! Debby is also the Quiltoberfest Guest Speaker!

Class Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Class Description: Learn from Debby how fun paper piecing is and how to work with curved units to create this dynamic Ezekiel’s Crown quilt. The project is composed of 16 blocks that are arranged in a “When 4 Makes 5” assembly.

Kit Required: Kit includes 10 pages of illustrated pattern with full size templates, and eight foundations for class time. Master pattern for duplicating remaining foundations. Cost: $10 to be paid directly to the Instructor the day of the event.

Day Meetings


Day Meeting: 2nd Friday of each Month

Time: 9:30 a.m. (Meet/Talk) 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Place: Onsite at Hilton Baptist Church - Directions

Night Meetings


Night Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of each Month

Time: 6:30 p.m. (Meet/Talk) 7- 9 p.m.

Place: Onsite at Hilton Baptist Church - Directions

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