Challenge Quilt Instructions 2023
You CAN go home now!
Due by Oct. 14 Day Meeting
The theme of this year’s challenge is all about memory. Maybe you had a favorite blanket as a child, a story that really spoke to you, or picture of the house you grew up in. Let that serve as the inspiration for your quilt! This inspiration can be literal or more abstract, and we would love to hear it included in your artist statement!
- Entry fee is $3
- All quilts must be between 18”x18” and 60”x60”
- Please, no kits
- Artist statements are due no later than Sept. 13 to Lily Erickson (ericksonlily@yahoo.com)
- Please attach a four-inch hanging sleeve to the top back of your quilt
- Quilts will be displayed and judged during both meetings in November, with the winners being announced at the Nov. 11 Day meeting
Every participant will receive a participation gift when the quilts are displayed and judged. Three winners will be selected and awarded a prize, in the categories of “Best Traditional,” “Best Modern” and “Most Creative.” All quilts will be eligible to be hung at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt show if you so choose.
If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to contact me by email at
ericksonlily@yahoo.com or via call or text at 603-748-0545 and happy quilting!