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Peninsula Piecemakers Quilt Guild (PPQG)
2024 Quilt and Car Show Thank You

On behalf of the Quilt Show Committee, we wish to thank everyone who participated in the Car and Quilt Show!  The Show was a success thanks to all of YOU.  It took the efforts of many hands to pull this together! From entering quilts, seeking out vendors and cars, setting up and taking down the racks and quilts.  In addition, we had volunteers helping from family members and friends to students from Poquoson High School. We had 143 attendees on Saturday and 57 on Sunday.   


Sewing machine donation: 

The six sewing machines that were in the PPQG storage shed were donated to a program in Alexandria. A group of churches gives sewing classes to Afghan immigrants. The graduates of their program receive sewing machines. Jimmie and Bill Espich from Hidenwood Presbyterian Church delivered the sewing machines on Nov 8. Anyone who has items to donate (see message below) to the Alexandria group, can give them to Barb Rutan at meetings.


Message from Jimmie: 

We put half of the machines in a storage closet at the church where the sewing classes take place. The other half were stored at a friend’s house. In January, at the class graduation, each student will receive a sewing machine with her certificate. When I picked up the sewing machines from the Guild, the ladies asked what else they need that the Guild members could donate. If the Guild is interested, Forozan said the women make clothes for themselves in the class. They learn to create patterns to make skirts and jackets. They can use cloth in at least three yard pieces, Pellon or other backing, a serger, sewing notions such as zippers, buttons, and thread. The donated machines are much appreciated and will have a lasting impact on the lives of these refugees and their families!


Thank you so much for your generosity Quilting Guild!



Day Meetings


Day Meeting: 2nd Friday of each Month

Time: 9:30 a.m. (Meet/Talk) 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Place: Onsite at Hilton Baptist Church - Directions

Night Meetings


Night Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of each Month

Time: 6:30 p.m. (Meet/Talk) 7- 9 p.m.

Place: Onsite at Hilton Baptist Church - Directions

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